Elections2022: FNLA president in vote soliciting activity in Huambo

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 16 August De 2022    21h49  
President of FNLA Nimi A Simbi
President of FNLA Nimi A Simbi
Tarcísio Vilela-ANGOP

Huambo – The FNLA candidate for President of the Republic, Nimi a Simbi, is since this Tuesday working in the central Province of Huambo, aiming to convince the local citizens to vote for its government programme in the general elections on 24 August.

While speaking to the press, moments after arriving in Huambo, Nimi a Simbi said he is the bearer of a message of peace and tranquillity for the militants of his party, so that they can observe a positive and responsible attitude during the elections period.


The party leader said that it is extremely important that the elections should occur in a peaceful atmosphere and social harmony so that the country can consolidate democracy and relaunch the challenges towards social and economic development.


“The Angolan people have already suffered enough. That is why it is necessary to avoid situations that could compromise the climate of stability and social harmony that we want to see in the elections and, at the same time, allow Angolans to freely choose their future leaders”, said the politician.  


The head of FNLA´s list stressed that he would make the most of his stay in Huambo to convince the electorate to vote for his government programme, which is based on the implementation of a semi-presidential political system and a democracy with a Christian matrix.


Nimi a Simbi added that in the event of victory in the elections, FNLA will invest in education, health and agriculture sectors as a strategy to improve the well-being of the Angolans.


Nimi a Simbi work agenda highest point is scheduled for Wednesday, in which a march in the outskirts of Huambo City will be held, which will culminate in the holding of a rally event to take place in Ferro informal market to present the FNLA government programme master plan for the period of 2022-2027.


The programme includes, at the end of Wednesday afternoon, a trip to the Municipality of Bailundo, where Nimi a Simbi will meet with the Bailundo King, Isaac Francisco Lucas “Tchongolola Tchongonga”.


In the Province of Huambo - the fourth largest electoral ward of the country following Luanda, Huíla and Benguela - has 103.685 registered voters, 1.015 polling stations and 1.973 voting table.


In the 23 August 2017 election, FNLA obtained 4,769 votes in Huambo Province, which represents 0.80 percent, and did not get any MPs for that constituency.


However, for the 24 August 2022 elections, the competing political forces are MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, PHA, APN, P-NJANGO and CASA-CE electoral coalition, whose roughly 14.3 million voters are registered, of which 22,560 are in the diaspora, spread across 12 countries.


This will be the fifth election in Angola´s history since 1992.

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