Governor highlights Agostinho Neto's contribution for Africa emancipation

  • Luanda     Friday, 17 September De 2021    15h52  
Governador Provincial do Moxico, Goncalves Muandumba
Governador Provincial do Moxico, Goncalves Muandumba
kinda kyungu

Luena - The provincial governor of Moxico, Gonçalves Muandumba, highlighted, this Friday, in Luena, the contribution of the first President of Angola and founder of the Nation, António Agostinho Neto, in the emancipation of the African continent.

The governor who spoke in the scope of the celebrations of the 17 of September, Day of the founder of the Nation and National Hero, said that Agostinho Neto denounced and condemned, by way of poetry, before the international community, the traffic of slaves and the colonialism in Africa.

In the occasion, Gonçalves Muandumba exhorted the Angolans to reflect around the date, honoring the facts of the national heroes and cultivating the reconciliation values.

According to the governor, the current context of the country demands more unit and love between the Angolans for the preservation of peace, appealing to the youngest to cultivate the spirit of work and devotion for the development of the province and the country.

António Agostinho Neto, that would complete 99 years today, was born on 17 of September of 1922, in Caxicane (Icolo and Bengo), is one of the main figures of the Angolan Nation of 20 century, fruit of his decisive role in the independence of Angola and some African countries.

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