Angola concerned about deterioration of world peace - President

  • Luanda     Monday, 10 July De 2023    14h31  
Presidente João Lourenço discursa durante a inauguração da base naval do Soyo
Presidente João Lourenço discursa durante a inauguração da base naval do Soyo
António Escrivão-ANGOP

Luanda – Angolan head of State João Lourenço said Monday that the Government is closely following the world’s development and concerned about the increasing deterioration of peace and security in various parts of the planet, with stress to the African continent.

João Lourenço voiced the concern at the end of the re-inauguration ceremony of Naval Base in Soyo, northern Zaire province, ahead of the 47th anniversary of the Angolan Navy (MGA), celebrated Monday (July 10).

In his speech, the Head of State said that the deterioration of peace, coupled with terrorism and insurgencies of different motivations, threaten the populations and the ailing economies of African states. 

The president mentioned the casualties, the internally displaced persons, refugees in neighbouring countries, migrants manipulated by human trafficking networks, as well as the increase in hunger, poverty and misery as the obvious consequences of the armed conflicts.

"The situation is not better in other parts of the world", said João Lourenço,  in reference to the vulnerable situation in the Middle East, where the non-implementation of United Nations resolutions on creation of the State of Palestine to cohabit peacefully with Israel, has been aggravating the conflict.

As for the situation of conflicts in Europe, the Angolan Statesman alluded to the emergence of the war waged by Russia against Ukraine, a sovereign State, with serious consequences for the world.

"These and other conflicts spreading around the world only call for urgent need for reform of the United Nations, in particular its Security Council and the Bretton Woods financial institutions, which emerged from the end of the Second World War, ever more pressing," he said.

According to the president João Lourenço, these assumptions no longer reflect the political, economic, demographic and other realities of today's world. 

He said that Africa and Latin America demand the right to occupy seats as permanent members of the UN Security Council, not only to defend the rights of their respective peoples, but to be an active part of the decisions to be taken on the global affairs of the planet, such as peace and security, food and energy, public health, international trade, climate and environmental defence.

President João Lourenço  chaired the central event that marked the 47 years of the creation of the Navy held in Soyo, northern Zaire province, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).

Angola’s Navy was created on 10 July, 1976.  AFL/SC/ADR/DAN/NIC

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