New candidate for women organisation top job presented abroad

  • Luanda     Saturday, 13 March De 2021    15h57  
Secretary general Luzia Inglês (L), candidate Joana Tomas during presentation ceremony to organisation abroad
Secretary general Luzia Inglês (L), candidate Joana Tomas during presentation ceremony to organisation abroad
Alberto Julião

Luanda - The candidate for secretary general of the ruling MPLA party’s women wing (OMA) Joana Tomás was presented Saturday, in Luanda.

The candidate was introduced abroad during a ceremony held via Zoom.

In the ceremony, Joana Tomás said that she strives for democratic and open leadership, in order to strengthen cooperation with national and international women's groups, as well as to improve their platforms for dialogue.

She spoke of the need to give more dynamism to the organisation's social projects, for the well-being of families and communities, to improve the mobilisation strategy for the growth and strengthening of the Organisation of Women Angola (OMA).

The politician considered a greater dissemination of the organisation's statutes and symbols to increase the empathy of sympathizers.

She defended the expansion of reproductive health services, the fight against cancer, the fight against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

In turn, the current secretary general of  OMA, Luzia Inglês “Inga”, stressed the importance of working in diaspora to fulfill the patriotic right and duty to vote.

Speaking on behalf of women abroad, Emília de Carvalho highlighted Joana Tomas' work path in different sectors, in favour of the female force, and of countless works that contributed to the development of the country.

Joana Tomás was officially presented as a candidate on December 17, 2020.

 The candidate was supported by the 235 members of the National Committee of OMA, during the III extraordinary meeting of this body.

A professional journalist, she is a senior staff member of Public Television in Angola (TPA), a member of the Political Bureau of the MPLA and of the National Committee of OMA.

OMA representatives in the 18 countries attended the ceremony, including Germany, Italy, South Africa, Portugal, France, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe.

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