Kenya interested in Huambo's agri-livestock potential

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 29 September De 2021    17h19  

Huambo - The ambassador of Kenya to Angola, Josphat Kaunda Maikara, worked Wednesday in Huambo province to identify possible areas for Kenyan investment, focusing on agri-livestock and tourism.

Speaking to journalists, at the end of a courtesy meeting with the local governor, Lotti Nolika, the diplomat said that Kenya is a country that is "very strong" in coffee and flower production, an experience that he wanted to pass on to Angola.

"We plan to increasingly deepen bilateral relations with Angola in the areas of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, tourism, health, education, science, technologies, telecommunications and industry, as well as banking investment, that is why we have come to Huambo to identify the main investment opportunities," he said.

Josphat Kaunda Maikara said that the Kenyan government also planned to help Angola improve its oil sector.

In terms of tourism, the diplomat, who plans to visit some tourist attractions in this region of Angola's Central Highlands, said that this sector was the key to moving relations between the two countries.

He said that Kenya wanted to increasingly deepen cooperation with Angola, making it possible for Angolans to enjoy their holidays in that East African country and vice-versa.

The governor of Huambo, Lotti Nolika, stressed the importance of long-standing relations between Angola and Kenya, mainly in the areas of agriculture, tourism, science and technology.


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