MPLA defends reinforcement of party unity and cohesion

  • Luanda     Sunday, 26 September De 2021    20h09  
1ª secretária do MPLA na província do Huambo, Lotti Nolika
1ª secretária do MPLA na província do Huambo, Lotti Nolika
Valentino Yequenha

Huambo - The first secretary of MPLA in Huambo province, Lotti Nolika, said that it was necessary to strengthen the party unity and cohesion, to allow for the execution of the governance programme and consolidation of democracy.

The political party leader was speaking during a mass event, held at the Ferrovia stadium, known as "Kurikutelas", on the outskirts of the city of Huambo, as part of the activities planned in reference to the 8th Ordinary Party Congress, scheduled for this year.

Lotti Nolika said it was fundamental that militants, friends and supporters of the MPLA continued to close ranks around the party and President Joao Lourenço, with a view to improving the social and economic conditions of Angolans.

The party's staff and leaders are advised to excel in the patriotic spirit, dedication, serenity, vigilance and unity of thought, in order to ensure the well-being of all.

Lotti Nolika said it was also fundamental that the militants should not let themselves be taken by panic, threats and provocations of the adversaries, and should only be concerned with the actions of the party, based on the improvement of the welfare of the citizens, since MPLA is still worried about the growing complexity in the economy of the population, resulting from the international economic and financial crisis, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the drought.

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