MPLA reaffirms commitment to improve living conditions of Angolans

  • Luanda     Friday, 03 May De 2024    16h15  
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Primeiro secretário provincial do MPLA, Daniel Neto, preside ao acto das assembleias de balanço
Primeiro secretário provincial do MPLA, Daniel Neto, preside ao acto das assembleias de balanço
João Wassamba-ANGOP
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MPLA realiza assembleia de balanço na Lunda Sul
MPLA realiza assembleia de balanço na Lunda Sul
João Wassamba-ANGOP
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MPLA realiza assembleia de balanço na Lunda Sul
MPLA realiza assembleia de balanço na Lunda Sul
João Wassamba-ANGOP

Saurimo - The first provincial secretary of the MPLA in Lunda-Sul, Daniel Neto, reaffirmed Friday, in Saurimo, the party's commitment to improve the living conditions of Angolans, with every member, activist and friend making a positive contribution to making this a reality.

The politician made the statement at the opening of the provincial launch of the process for the balance sheet and renewal of mandates, the MPLA's action committees and communal and municipal conferences.

According to the politician, the MPLA has never abandoned the people, nor given up fighting for them, and has been with them through all the difficult moments in their history, especially at a time when the country is experiencing an unfavorable economic climate.

Daniel Neto called for more commitment from the militants, keeping up with the dynamics and challenges of the present and the future, requiring commitment, greater dedication and self-denial in order to fulfill the guidelines issued by the party leadership.

The politician underscored that the renewal assemblies should not serve as an obstacle to the party's development, but that those who are elected should work hard to revive the mystique, without the need to resort to cronyism and relatives, using their knowledge to occupy prominent positions.

"We want to elect to the action committees those militants who are committed to the cause, who want to work seriously, responsibly, honestly, with discipline and who have a positive influence on others," the politician said.

Daniel Neto urged party members to recruit more militants to strengthen the ranks of the MPLA and to continue mobilizing the population in the great project that the leader has for resolving the problems that still afflict the communities.



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