Namibia ready to reopen border with Angola

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 21 April De 2021    11h42  
Patrick Nandago, embaixador da Namíbia em Angola (Arquivo)
Patrick Nandago, embaixador da Namíbia em Angola (Arquivo)
Morais silva

Lubango - The ambassador of Namibia to Angola, Patrick Nandago, said Wednesday in Lubango (Huíla) that his country has the conditions in place to reopen the border with Angola, expecting a similar position from its neighbour, for the good of the population of both countries.

The border between Angola and Namibia was closed in March, 2020 due to Covid-19, and is only operating to a limited extent for health issues, mainly of Angolans.

In an interview on the sidelines of the 21st Bilateral Meeting of the interior ministries of both countries, which Lubango is hosting as of today, the ambassador noted that the closure of the border had negatively affected the lives of the two peoples, particularly the provinces of Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Namibe and, to a certain extent, Huila, as many students from those neighbouring areas study in his country.

"These young people, in 2020 could not study, as a result of the closure of the border. We also have a considerable number of Angolans who seek medical care in Namibia, because although there are some ways to facilitate entry, there are still some obstacles," he said.

According to the diplomat, at the meeting they will try to find mechanisms to overcome the impasse and he hopes that Angola will welcome Namibia's proposal, as on its side there is readiness to open at any time, as was done with South Africa, Botswana and Zambia.


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