UN reaffirms commitment to peace in the Great Lakes Region

  • Luanda     Monday, 05 February De 2024    19h56  
PR João Lourenço recebe enviado especial da ONU para Região dos Grandes Lagos
PR João Lourenço recebe enviado especial da ONU para Região dos Grandes Lagos
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The UN special envoy for the Great Lakes Region, Huang Xia, expressed, on Monday, in Luanda, his commitment to working with the Angolan authorities and the entire region to achieve peace.

The envoy, who was speaking to the press at the end of an meeting granted by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, informed that the meeting served to hear the opinion of the Angolan Head of State on the progress of the situation in the region.

Regarding the events in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), he said that the United Nations are of the same opinion as the Angolan PR, that priority should be given to the path of dialogue, diplomacy, politics and global solutions that can, in fact, lead to lasting peace and not take paths of belligerence that could create more damage.

“The United Nations shares the PR's vision and will spare no effort to help it in what has to do with the objectives to be achieved and what has to do with the Luanda process”, he highlighted.

He highlighted that there are currently many outbreaks of crisis worldwide and the United Nations believes that this is not the time to let down our guard on African issues and peace and security in the Great Lakes region.

He considered that, if Angola and PR João Lourenço are in fact determined to carry out the Luanda process, it means that they will need more support and help in a determined way, which is why the international community must be at Angola's side to provide this help and support so that this process achieves its aim and objectives, which is the re-establishment of peace in the Great Lakes region.

João Lourenço is the current acting president of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (CIRGL), an organization created in 1994 with the aim of resolving issues of peace and security, following the political conflicts that marked the region.

CIRGL members are Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Republic of Congo.PA/MCN/DOJ

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