General "Nguto" remains laid to rest

  • Luanda     Monday, 26 July De 2021    14h39  
Presidente João Lourenço rende homenagem ao falecido general "Nguto"
Presidente João Lourenço rende homenagem ao falecido general "Nguto"
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, on Monday paid homage to the former deputy chief of general staff of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) for the Operational and Development Area, Jorge Barros "Nguto", who died Wednesday in Luanda due to illness.

In the book of condolences, president Joao Lourenço wrote that it was with regret that he received the unfortunate news of the death of general "Nguto", who served for 47 years the armed wing of the Angolan people.

He stressed that having studied armoured troops in Russia, the late General Nguto had held several posts, including that of Army Chief of General Staff.

At the funeral service, the President of the Republic bowed before the urn with the mortal remains of the deceased and passed on his condolences to the family. 

The vice-president of the Republic, Bornito de Sousa, who presented the family with a copy of the flag of the Republic, a medal, a beret and a personalised cushion, considered General Jorge Barros "one of the most outstanding commanders of the military campaign which culminated in the definitive peace in Angola in 2002".

Bornito de Sousa added that the deceased "leaves an unbearable void for his family and comrades in arms, particularly the class of Angolan generals, forged in the heroic struggle for a united and indivisible Angola, in peace and development.



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