Attorney General Office files lawsuit against businessman Tazz da Costa

  • Luanda     Monday, 08 August De 2022    21h18  
Attorney-General's Office Logo
Attorney-General's Office Logo

Luanda - The Attorney General Office (PGR) on Monday instructed the filing of a lawsuit against businessman Tazz Cambundo da Costa for defamation of character (slander and libel), the PGR said in a statement.

At the basis of the process is what the PGR said it considered as insults (defamation) the statements made by the above said businessman at the Criminal Investigation Police against the magistrate of the Public Prosecution (MP), Tânia Leite de Faria.


The case dates to July 27, the day in which, allegedly, the businessman claims to have been illegally detained on the magistrate’s instruction suffering an attempt of a 40 million kwanzas extortion.


The note adds that following an "investigation of the facts" conducted by the General Inspectorate of the Public Prosecution at the request of the Attorney General's Office, the latter considers the allegations made by the  businessman false.


"The accused in question is currently answering two lawsuits for crimes of criminal association", the PGR said.


The PGR says the cases are related to forgery of documents, threats and material damage estimated at over 40 million kwanzas.


The PGR adds that after  the businessman failed  to appear for procedural acts, the arrest was ordered and that  following the interrogation, the danger of continuing criminal activity and disturbance of the instruction of the process remained, thus being applied the preventive detention (remand).


It  adds that, for health reasons, duly proved, the referred magistrate decided to replace the businessman's preventive detention for a bail set at 120, 000 kwanzas.


According to the PGR, in all interrogations that the accused was subject to he was always assisted by his lawyers.


The Public Prosecution adds that this is not the first time that Tazz Cambundo da Costa promotes slander against magistrates when he is indicted of a crime, always using the media and social networks.


The Attorney General's Office reports that the criminal proceedings are underway.


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