PIIM with 1,138 projects completed

  • Luanda     Thursday, 07 December De 2023    16h15  
Obras do PIIM
Obras do PIIM

Luanda - One thousand and 138 projects, of the 2,358 eligible under the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM), have been completed and 565 with levels of physical execution above 70%.

The data were revealed on Thursday to the press by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Dionísio do Fonseca, at the end of the 2nd ordinary meeting of the Local Governance Council chaired by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, which, among other matters, analysed the PIIM Progress Report.

The minister informed that 2,305 projects have considerable financial execution, and the Executive is intensifying monitoring in order to ensure the proper execution of the projects, the continuous training and technical qualification of the staff, as well as the strengthening of institutional communication, in particular with the Municipal Administrations, thus ensuring the efficient and successful execution of the Plan.

The meeting, according to the minister, was an opportunity to look at the portfolio of PIIM projects at the national level and the various projects underway under the responsibility of the provincial governments, provincial administrations, but also the central bodies, with emphasis on the ministries of Territorial Administration, Education, Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, of the Interior, among others.


The members of the Local Governance Council also analysed the document of the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women (MASFAMU), on the Progress Report of the Integrated Programme for Local Development and Fight against Poverty.

In this chapter, around 6,991 actions were carried out in 2022, which made it possible to integrate and support three million 602 thousand 480 people.

According to the minister, the program is implemented by municipal administrations that receive 28 million Kwanzas monthly for its execution, of which three million are dedicated to school meals in the perspective of having more and more children in schools studying to be useful citizens for national development.


The report on the balance sheet, perspectives and financing strategies for the training of staff of the bodies of the Local Government of the State, of the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security (MAPTSS), was also considered during the meeting.

In this chapter, Dionísio da Fonseca made it known that within the framework of the partnership with the World Bank, which has funding for a program worth about USD 250 million, the idea is to ensure that more civil servants can be trained at ENAPP level.

He informed that ENAPP also has an initiative with the United Nations Development Program through which it will also strengthen the training of staff at the level of state administration.

The final communiqué of the meeting highlights the realization of 170 training actions, which resulted in 8,590 staff trained, in six regional centers: Benguela (907), Lubango (2,055), Saurimo (820), Huambo (834), Uíge (542) and N'Dalatando (899).

Given the need to better understand and identify the current challenges, providing knowledge based on a new model of public service, guided by criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and economy, and based on cooperation between Local Administration, Civil Society and Partners, the Local Governance Council recommended the promotion of the training programs of Local Bodies included in the projects financed by the World Bank and the United Nations Programme for the Development (UNDP). PA/VM/DOJ

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