President announces partnership with US park management company

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 21 September De 2021    09h32  
Presidente João Lourenço
Presidente João Lourenço

Luanda - The Angolan President, João Lourenço, Monday in Washington announced that Angola has started negotiations with the American company "African Parks" for a public-private partnership, co-management and development of the Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga natural parks.

The Angolan statesman, who was speaking at the Annual Gala of the International Conservation Caucus Federation (ICCF), said that these parks, located in the protected trans-border region of Okovango-Zambezi, are the last wild frontier in southern Africa.

During the event, which was attended by the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque Márquez, the Angolan statesman was awarded an ICCF prize for his initiatives in favour of environmental conservation.

"This region is the last wild frontier in southern Africa comprising rivers and lakes that supply the Okavango Delta in Botswana, and critical natural habitats for migration of the largest remaining elephant populations in Africa, and which are beginning to return to Angola from Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia," said João Lourenço.

He said that "African Parks" will bring the funding and technical expertise needed to conserve and manage these vast areas that are under increasing threat from deforestation, fire and poaching.

He said that it will act as an "umbrella" under which some of the current international and local partners, such as Panthera, Acadir, DBDS, will operate, these being the ones providing support in preserving the cats and the communities found there.

"At the outset we would like to thank Panthera, for the creation of the community wardens working towards the preservation of wildlife and human life in the Luengue-Luiana National Park," he acknowledged.

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