Head of States opens Bispo Emílio de Carvalho General Hospital

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 April De 2024    11h21  
Hospital Geral de Viana Bispo Emílio de Carvalho
Hospital Geral de Viana Bispo Emílio de Carvalho
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, inaugurated this Friday, in Luanda, the General Hospital of Viana named after the Angolan retired bishop “Bispo Emílio de Carvalho”, with capacity for 356 beds, half of which are reserved for pediatrics.

After the inauguration, the Head of State, accompanied by the First Lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, carried out a guided visit to the health unit, located in the Zango Urban district, municipality of Viana.

The hospital, which was built in three years, is budgeted at €125,500,000 and will directly employ 1,200 people, including doctors, nurses, imaging and laboratory technicians.

With five surgery rooms, eight inpatient wards, a centralized diagnostic center, the unit also has an emergency service, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics and general medicine sectors.

In external consultations, it has other services, such as general clinic, cardiology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, orthopedics/traumatology, gynecology/obstetrics, stomatology, urology, general surgery, anesthesiology and oncology, as well as endoscopy services, laboratories, imaging, dialysis , and rehabilitation and therapy.

Profile of the Honoree

Emílio Júlio Miguel de Carvalho was born in August 1933 in the region of Pungo Andongo, province of Malanje.

Consecrated to the Episcopate on October 21, 1972, he was elected at the Central Africa Conference that met in Limbe, Malawi, as the first Angolan to lead the United Methodist Church of Angola.

Before that, he was ordained deacon in June 1960, at the first Methodist Church in Wisconsin Rapids, in the United States of America (USA) and priest on January 22 of the same year, at the Central Methodist Church in Luanda.

In August 1961 he was arrested by PIDE. Two years later, in April, he was placed on “supervised release”, with a fixed residence.

He held positions of high responsibility in terms of religion as General President of Youth of the Methodist Church in Angola (1950 to 1953), professor and rector of the Emanuel Seminary, in the Dondi Angola Mission (1965-1972).

He was the first Angolan bishop of the Methodist Church and re-elected bishop for life by the Central Africa Conference.

Author, translator and writer, married to Marilina Stella de Jesus Figueiredo for over 47 years, he is an Honorary Citizen of the City of Luanda since 2002, has nine literary works published and dozens of articles published in specialty magazines.


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