President praises bravery of Cuito Cuanavale combatants

  • Luanda     Thursday, 23 March De 2023    09h42  
President of Republic João Lourenço
President of Republic João Lourenço
Joaquina Bento - ANGOP

Luanda – Angolan President, João Lourenço, on Thursday praised the bravery of Angolans and Cubans who fought against the invasion of the South African segregationist regime, in the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.

The salute is expressed in a statement made on the President’s Facebook official page, as part of the Southern Africa Liberation Day marked on March 23.


In the statement, the Angolan Head of State encourages young people to follow the heroic example of the brave fighters and to never give in to any attempt that threatens the peace and territorial integrity of the country.


"Hail the heroes of Cuito Cuanavale! hail the defenders of freedom, peace and territorial integrity!", reads the statement.


Southern Africa Liberation Day is celebrated on March 23 throughout the SADC region, a date dedicated to the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale, which took place in this Municipality of Angola’s south-eastern Province of Cuando Cubango, which was decisive for the independence of Namibia and the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

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