Angola’s First Lady at the launch of the Unifying Campaign in Nigeria

  • Luanda     Sunday, 12 May De 2024    21h28  
Primeira-Dama Ana Dias Lourenço (à dir.) com sua homóloga da Nigéria
Primeira-Dama Ana Dias Lourenço (à dir.) com sua homóloga da Nigéria

Luanda - The First Lady of the Republic, Ana Dias Lourenço, is attending the launching ceremony of the “WeAreEqual/We Are All Equal” Unifying Campaign, taking place today in Abuja, Nigeria, at the invitation of her Nigerian counterpart, Olumeri Tinubu.

To this end, Ana Dias Lourenço arrived in Abuja Sunday, where she joins the other African First Ladies who will attend the event taking place under the motto “Education, a powerful tool for change: no girl should be left behind ”, says an official note.

The Campaign is an initiative of the Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OPDAD) and aims to contribute to eliminating the gap between men and women, focusing on education, equity and learning opportunities for all.

With it, the aim is to expand the “Alternative Secondary School for Girls” in all African States, in an initiative that began in 2007, and which offers a second opportunity to young women who were left out of the education system for adverse reasons.

The note indicates that early pregnancy, economic marginalization, child marriage and other social barriers are among the main impediments to young women who want to continue their studies, to realize their dreams and aspirations, regardless of their age.

The “WeAreEqual/We Are All Equal” Campaign aims to promote equity and the elimination of gender disparities across the African continent, and “transmits an essential truth: ‘We are equal - and always have been’”.

The First Ladies of the African Union (AU) Member States were invited to launch the Campaign, in their countries, during the year 2024, based on four defined pillars, namely, Health, Education, Economic Empowerment and Gender-Based Violence. Gender.

The First Lady of Angola returns to the country, Tuesday (14), says the note from her office that arrived at ANGOP this Sunday. IZ/DOJ

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