Armed Forces to combat illegal exploitation of strategic minerals

  • Luanda     Saturday, 11 February De 2023    14h16  
Commander of the Centre Military Region (RMC), lieutenant-general Paulo Silva Xavier.
Commander of the Centre Military Region (RMC), lieutenant-general Paulo Silva Xavier.
Aurélio Janeiro-ANGOP

Huambo - The newly appointed commander of the Central Military Region (RMC), lieutenant-general Paulo Silva Xavier, stressed on Friday that the combat against illegal exploitation of strategic minerals will be top priority during his term in office.

The general officer, who was speaking at the closing of the 16th course for specialists in Armoured Troops of the Army, said the command of this military zone aims to direct efforts in areas with strategic resources of the country to tackle illegal exploitation of mineral resources.


The commander added that attention would mainly be focused on the strategic areas of the provinces of Bié, Cuanza Sul and part of the territory of Huila, under the jurisdiction of the Central Military Region, specifically Chipindo Municipality.


Lieutenant-general Paulo Silva Xavier also pledged to establish permanent cooperation with the other defence and security bodies of the provinces to jointly guarantee the institutional normality of the state and its territorial integrity.


The high ranking military officer pointed out the satisfaction of the troops, essentially, in terms of social conditions, housing, barracks, control of the personnel and combat preparation, as being the main tasks of the Military Region, as units that make up the second strategic operational level of the High General Staff, with the mission of preparing for eventualities that may arise in the future and to be ready for combat employment in any direction of the country.


The course, held over three months at the Driving and Self-Driving School, located in the communal town of Chipipa, Huambo Municipality, included 95 army soldiers.


The range of subjects included hygiene and health, first aid, military physical preparation, military topography, biological and chemical nuclear protection, general tactics, transmissions, military engineering, tank firing, preparation of the material park, exploration, evacuation, driving, repair and standards of driving combat vehicles.

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