UNITA adamant on holding President to account

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 02 August De 2023    18h09  

Luanda - The Parliamentary group of the opposition UNITA party reiterated Wednesday in Luanda its intention of taking to Parliament a legal notice aimed at the removal of the Angolan head of State.

At a press conference, the president of UNITA's parliamentary group, Liberty Chiaka, said that the party is acting in accordance with the Constitution and the Parliamentary regulations.

He considered it to be a normal accountability process, whose date for entry into the National Assembly could be known in the near future.

The opposition party points out, among others, alleged violations of the Constitution and interference in the legislative and judicial powers, by the holder of the Executive Power.

According to the leader of the parliamentary group, the MPs should hear and analyse the facts alleged in the eventual commission to be created under the terms of article 284 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

"It is not UNITA's Parliamentary group that will challenge the governance of the President of the Republic and promote his removal, because it does not have constitutional competence to do so", the MP stressed.

Liberty Chiaka added that "only the people, on the initiative of a third of their representatives and approval of two thirds, in the National Assembly, can remove the President, because sovereignty resides in the people and not in the political parties".

By requirement of article 284.º, after the creation of the eventual commission (being its composition in accordance with the rules of proportional representation), this prepares the report on the accusation and dismissal of the president.

This is followed by discussion and voting at an extraordinary plenary meeting, pursuant to numbers 5 and 6 of article 284 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

It will only be considered approved if it has the favorable vote of two thirds of the deputies in office, the MP told the meeting.

However, in a press conference held on July 20, the ruling MPLA party considered this action by UNITA a "strategy of taking power outside the institutional and formal political framework".

At the time, the MPLA's Information Secretary, Rui Falcão, said that the seriousness of the accusations against the President demonstrates that UNITA has a subversive agenda and political immaturity and intends to create chaos in State institutions.

According to him, the strategy of creating a climate of institutional instability has been applied with permanent recourse to the discredit of State institutions and the attempt to create a political framework that justifies the popular uprising and the rise of UNITA to the exercise of power,  without the necessary democratic legitimacy.

Rui Falcão added that UNITA never had the courage to assume that the MPLA won in 143 of the 164 municipalities in the country and that, in 10 provinces, the MPLA won in all municipalities. VC/AL/VM/NIC

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