Vice-President returns to Luanda

  • Luanda     Sunday, 19 June De 2022    16h04  
Vice-presidente da República, Bornito de Sousa
Vice-presidente da República, Bornito de Sousa
José Cachiva - Angop

Ondjiva - The Vice-President of the Republic, Bornito de Sousa, returned this Sunday afternoon to the country's capital, Luanda, after a two-day working visit to southern Cunene province.

At the 11 de Novembro Airport, in Ondjiva city, Bornito de Sousa was greeted by the governor of Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa.

During his stay, he was briefed on the operation of the Cafu water transfer system, from Cunene river, where he had a guided tour to the photovoltaic plant, outlet area and electric substation.

On the site, he also received an explanation on the programme to combat the effects of drought in southern Angola, specifically in Cunene.

He also visited the Cafu Canal, which is 160 kilometres long and has 30 water ditches, inaugurated on 4 April, by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

The Vice President also visited the field school called "Tuapandula Tatekulo", along the canal, where there is production of vegetables and breeding of small animals of various species.

Bornito de Sousa also went to the memorial complex of King Mandume- ya -Ndemufayo, where he paid homage to the sovereign who died on the 6th of February, 1917.


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