MPLA vice president calls for constructive dialogue

  • Luanda     Saturday, 21 November De 2020    18h42  
Luisa Damião, vice-Presidente do MPLA, discursando Durante as Celebrações do 58º Aniversario da JMPA
Luisa Damião, vice-Presidente do MPLA, discursando Durante as Celebrações do 58º Aniversario da JMPA
Alberto Julião

Luanda - MPLA's vice-president, Luísa Damião, urged militants and friends of the party’s youth wing JMPLA to continue to build spaces for constructive dialogue, debate healthy ideas in the neighborhoods and schools with respect and tolerance.

Speaking in the act aimed to welcome the festivities of the 58th anniversary of the founding of the JMPLA to be marked on November 23, the politician stressed that the Angolan youth are exemplary and love their country and its symbols.

"When we attack others, when we offend or give adjective to others, we lose the essential and the essence, especially the ability to present solutions for the construction of the future," Luisa Damião said.

For Luísa Damião, it is important that the JMPLA is increasingly inserted in society, working with young people from all aspects of the society, extending its action to the university, high schools, youth organizations, cultural spaces and the most diverse associative environments, thus making it a more inclusive organization.


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