MPLA Vice-president meets Angolan community in Windhoek

  • Luanda     Thursday, 09 May De 2024    18h35  
Vice-Presidente do MPLA, Luisa Damião
Vice-Presidente do MPLA, Luisa Damião
Arsénio Bravo

Luanda - The vice-president of the MPLA, Luísa Damião on Thursday met in Windhoek, Namibia, with the Angolan community residing in this region, from whom she was informed about the main concerns.

Luísa Damião, who is in this neighboring country at the invitation of her SWAPO counterpart, Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah, also traveled, on Thursday morning, to the regions of Welvis Bay and Swakopmund, 395 kilometers from the Namibian capital, where she visited large economic enterprises.

Among the projects, the highlight was the factory linked to fish processing, where she received detailed information about the operation of that activity.

Luísa Damião's delegation also includes the secretaries of the Political Bureau for International Relations, Manuel Augusto; for Social Policy, Maricel Capama, as well as the secretary general of the OMA, Joana Tomás, and the first national secretary of the JMPLA, Crispiniano dos Santos. SC/DOJ


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