Government pledges to improve health services

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 07 April De 2021    19h50  
Health minister, Sílvia Lutucuta
Health minister, Sílvia Lutucuta
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The Angolan government is committed to building a health system capable of ensuring universal coverage, to guarantee the equality of health services and social cohesion.

This was stressed by the Health minister, Sílvia Lutucuta, when she was  chairing the central act in allusion to the World Health Day that was marked under the motto “Together for a fairer and healthier world”.


The minister recalled that guaranteeing the right to health for all people is an assumption enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, with a focus on the quality of care. 


According to the minister, the realization of these aspirations becomes more challenging and impaired  by the impact of Covid-19 on economic, financial and human resources, not only in Angola but also in the world.


Covid-19, she added, has also become a threat to achieving sustainable development goals, which see young people as key players in the country's socio-economic development. 


She called on the population to redouble biosafety measures in view of the new strains of the pandemic that are already circulating in the country, avoiding gatherings, and adopting preventive measures like washing hands frequently and making the correct use of the mask.


Sílvia Lutucuta said that in order to create a modern, fair and equitable country, it is necessary to promote the active participation of young people, particularly girls, in development tasks, reducing the gender gap, encouraging the empowerment of women, increasing health literacy as instrument of change. 


The minister stressed that the country is focused on the protection of the population most at risk of falling ill or dying as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, by effecting a vaccination programme , whose aim is to  immunize 15 million citizens.


According to Sílvia Lutucuta, the Health sector was able, during this difficult year due to Covid-19, to respond to urgent problems with the implementation of specific action strategies, particularly for the reduction of maternal, neonatal and infant mortality and malnutrition. 


Sílvia Lutucuta stressed that the activity of the sector is still focused on the control of major endemic diseases, particularly tuberculosis, malaria and HIV / AIDS. 

Minister Lutucuta, highlighted the efforts of health professionals to ensure an HIV-free generation, as well as to boost programs to improve the health of adolescents and young people. 


World Health Day, celebrated annually on April 7, is an event that serves to reflect on the need to promote health for all, creating conditions for a more equitable and inclusive future. 


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