Health Ministry committed to preventing cholera outbreak in the country

  • Luanda     Friday, 19 January De 2024    16h39  
Banco de urgência da Pediatria do HGM
Banco de urgência da Pediatria do HGM
Kinda Kyungu/ANGOP

Luena - The Ministry of Health (MINSA) bets on preventing the outbreak of cholera in the country, with a plan for capacity building of the border provinces sector.

The two -day training plan covers health, environmental, defense and safety and safety and techniques and measures against the outbreak of cholera that plagues the neighboring countries of Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo since October last year.

At the time, the head of hygiene and surveillance section of the National Directorate of Public Health, Angelina Fila, said in Moxico that in the face of the ease of transmission and spread of the disease, Minsa developed this program so that professionals are up to the time of respond and control the disease.

She warned that cholera has the particularity of spreading quickly, and from last October to date, 10,000 cases have been diagnosed in the Republic of Zambia, causing 412 deaths among adults and children in that country.

She recalled that the country recorded in the last outbreak of Cholera, from December 2017 to May 2018 in the province of Uige, 895 cases, which resulted in 13 deaths.

In turn, the director of the Provincial Health Cabinet, Tiago Mario, said that training is essentially covers the paintings of municipalities bordering infected countries such as butt, given proximity to the Mungo region in the Republic from Zambia, and Alto Zambeze (Solueji) and Luau (Lualaba/RDC), respectively.

Cholera has existed since the nineteenth century, and in Africa the first case was notified in 1970. Isau/TC/YD/DOJ

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