MINSA praises nurse professionalism

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 12 May De 2021    12h51  
A health fair visited by female MPs
A health fair visited by female MPs
Nelson Malamba

Luanda - The Ministry of Health (MINSA) on Wednesday praised the dedication and professionalism of Angolan nurses in the process of prevention and combat against Covid-19.

In a message alluding to the International Nurses Day, the ministerial department praised the sacrifice, including that of their own lives, for the response, control and treatment of Covid-19, for the continuity of essential services.

The work of these professionals shows remarkable resilience, standing firm in the face of risk and challenges so that the quality and scale of health service delivery is not affected, inspiring other citizens to pursue the fundamental goal of saving lives with new energy.

According to MINSA, the most beautiful and sublime feature of the National Health Service is solidarity, a value that should always be present, regardless of the difficulties and challenges, for the irreversible "humanisation of health services" at all levels of care.

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