Angola highlights Portuguese language role in identity of Portuguese-speaking peoples

  • Luanda     Friday, 05 May De 2023    18h19  

Luanda - The Embassy of Angola in Brazil on Friday highlighted the relevance of the Portuguese language as part of the identity of the Lusophone Peoples, despite the historical, social, ethnic and political distinctiveness of each country.

According to a note, alluding to the 5th of May, the International Day of the Portuguese Language and Lusophone Culture, the Angolan diplomatic representation also refers that the date set up to promote the sense of community and pluralism of Portuguese speakers is a moment of integration of the nine countries that share this language.


The Embassy of Angola, which currently assumes the 'Pro Tempore' Presidency of the Group of Ambassadors of the CPLP in Brazil, refers that the notable progress already achieved by the organization continues to demand challenges, always and increasingly significant, which require a deep and continuous reflection, as well as the intensification of actions capable of awakening a feeling of greater mutual cooperation.


The Angolan diplomatic representation pays homage to all those who contributed to the establishment of the date, expressing wishes for progress and prosperity for all member countries of the Portuguese-speaking community.


The date was established in 2009 by the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Portugal, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor) to promote the sense of Community and Pluralism of Portuguese Speakers.



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