Angola suspends flights to three countries

  • Luanda     Thursday, 14 January De 2021    19h26  
Adão de Almeida, minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic
Adão de Almeida, minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic
Domingos Cardoso

Luanda - Air travel to and from South Africa, Brazil and Portugal, will temporarily remain suspended as of midnight 24th January amid new variants of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, Angolan authorities have announced.

The suspension is meant to prevent the import of new variants of the Sars-Cov-2 virus and introduce new more stringent control dynamics, said the minister of State and Head of Civil Affairs to the President, Adão de Almeida.

Speaking at a press conference on new measures to halt COVID-19 in the country on Thursday, he said that the Angolans stranded in aforementioned countries have until the 23rd to return to the country.

Adão de Almeida announced post-disembark tests, starting on Saturday 16, for passengers entering the country to assess their health condition.

Positive cases, he said, will be subjected to hospitalisation, while negative cases must comply with a 10-day home quarantine, being subsequently subjected to a new test before receiving discharge.

Due to the new variant of the virus, air, land and sea connections with South Africa, Nigeria, Australia and the United Kingdom have been suspended since 26 December 2020.

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