Archbishop calls for responsible use of social networks

  • Luanda     Monday, 13 May De 2024    13h44  
Arcebispo emérito do Huambo, Dom José Alves de Queiroz
Arcebispo emérito do Huambo, Dom José Alves de Queiroz
Valentino Yequenha-ANGOP

Huambo - The archbishop emeritus of Huambo, Dom José de Queirós Alves, on Sunday called for the responsible use of social networks as a means of communication, education and social moralization.

In his homily during his pastoral visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Huambo city, the religious said that it has become fashionable to follow the ridiculous on social networks and that people are more attentive to follow the perpetrators of negative practices, as opposed to things that build up the human person.

Dom José de Queirós Alves urged people to use social networks for the good not the worst, such as spreading messages of accusation and intrigue, at a time when the media is taking on a role of great responsibility in society.

According to the Bishop, the world today has at its disposal a valuable and powerful instrument of communication, which should become a school and serve, above all, for training and informing society as a whole.

The Bishop said that the Church will continue to fulfill its mission based on the proclamation of the Gospel and the promotion of the social well-being of man, which is the fundamental basis of the Church.

He added that the church is no stranger to the problems that affect Angolan society, which is why it is always available to work for the good of the faithful ones.  JSV/ALH/AMP


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