Bishop wants to strengthen charitable actions

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 03 January De 2024    21h29  
Bispo da Diocese do Cuanza Norte, Dom Almeida Kanda
Bispo da Diocese do Cuanza Norte, Dom Almeida Kanda

Ndalatando - The bishop of the diocese of Ndalatando (Cuanza Norte), Dom Almeida Kanda, on Wednesday in the city of Ndalatando, urged the women of Promaica to strengthen charity actions and education of the faith, aiming to contribute to the development of society.

Speaking at the opening of the diocesan pre-congress for the Promotion of Women in the Catholic Church (Promaica), which runs until Sunday, the prelate also called for the exercise of freedom of association.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Cuanza Norte government, with emphasis on governor Pedro Armando Júlia.

He defended the encouragement of female associations, taking in the account the contribution they can make to the country, in light of current development demands.

The 4-day meeting will reflect on the challenges of the association, responsible fatherhood and motherhood, marriage from a religious and sociological perspective, the issue of witchcraft, succession and inheritance, among other topics.

It will elect the province's delegates to the national congress of this women's organization of the Catholic Church, taking place in Luanda, in August this year.

Delegates from the 10 municipalities of the province participate in the event.

Promaica is an association of lay Catholics founded in 1990, by the then bishop of the Diocese of Benguela, Dom Óscar Braga. LJ/DS/OHA/DOJ

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