Luanda Science Centre opens Wednesday

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 19 December De 2023    11h17  
Centro de Ciência de Luanda
Centro de Ciência de Luanda
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – The Luanda Science Centre (CCL), which is the result of the conversion of the old Soap Factory, is due to open on Wednesday, taking into account that the requalification works have been completed.

The technological infrastructure comprises several interactive exhibitions, a planetarium hall and an auditorium with a giant screen for projecting films and documentaries with effects.

With the aim of conveying scientific culture to the general population, particularly young people and children, through the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, the CCL will implement a phase to promote its operation.

It will also include the dinosaurarium, the butterfly garden, laboratories, a library and a soap factory so that users, mainly children, can learn about the process of producing soap, even while playing.

For five weeks, invited institutions will visit the exhibitions at the Luanda Science Centre free of charge, in groups of up to 30 people each.

The reception of the groups, previously invited and scheduled, should take place throughout the month of January 2024.

In February 2024, the CCL will start operating normally, with access to the exhibitions and other attractions by purchasing tickets.


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