Services of Copyright create piracy platform to fight intellectual property

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 29 March De 2023    14h59  
Director do SENADIAC, Barros Bebiano José Liçenca
Director do SENADIAC, Barros Bebiano José Liçenca
Mauro Romeu-ANGOP

Luanda - The "Platform Partners against Piracy" aims to fight and discourage behaviours that represent acts contrary to intellectual property and infrastructures that allow the spread of creative content, said, this Wednesday, the director general of National Services of Copyright, Barros Licença.

Speaking at the presentation act of the platform, the official clarified that it is a multisectorial action of projects and joint coordination of control and inspection with aims to respect the intellectual property and the usufruct of the economic advantages by the artists.


He said that the materialization of this project is an initiative that will be covered by educational and pedagogical campaigns, through debates in the media, to appeal to the need to respect intellectual property.


According to Barros Licença, the officials are recommended to ensure that the produced and distributed goods and services are provided with quality and under acceptable legal, safety and public health conditions.


“The target audience for which it is intended is the society in general, but especially entrepreneurs, creators and the bodies of the respective social and professional associations and, ultimately, political decision-makers”, he explained.


Barros Licença informed that the protection of intellectual property boosts the created and innovative activities which will allow the technological development that leads the economic and social development.


Piracy, in intellectual property, is related to the unauthorized use of goods and intellectual rights for economic advantages by third parties, that is, the illicit use of someone else´s property.


He appealed to society to join the initiative, participating in recommended actions and achievements.


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