Lunda-Norte Government approves regulations on administrative offenses

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 07 February De 2024    08h38  
Centralidade do Mussungue na Província da Lunda Norte
Centralidade do Mussungue na Província da Lunda Norte
Hélder Dias

Dundo - The government of the province of Lunda-Norte approved on Tuesday the regulation on administrative offenses, which aims to establish principles, define sanctions or fines to be applied by municipal administrations in cases of administrative infractions and/or violations of the rules of social coexistence.

The regulatory document, approved in an ordinary session of the Government, comprises two titles, four chapters and fourty-five articles and aims to regulate the processing and execution of the administrative offense process to be applied and ensure that citizens respect the social coexistance rules.

The fines to be applied range from 8,500Kz to 1,600,000KZ ($1 = 851Kz), depending on the type and severity of the transgression in urban centers and on the outskirts.

On the occasion, the governor of Lunda-Norte, Deolinda Vilarinho, highlighted the importance of the document, as its application will allow greater involvement of citizens in the preservation of public assets and improving the image of cities.

He called on administrators to apply the regulatory document rigorously, in order to combat some acts that put social coexistence at risk.

During the meeting, provincial government members were informed about the preparations for Carnival/2024, whose technical and logistical improvement is assured, the cholera prevention situation, which in addition to resources being guaranteed for possible cases, Lunda-Norte still did not register any cases of the disease.

The meeting also discussed the method for obtaining new buses, the instruction of action plans on toponymy and the plan for provincial and municipal surveillance councils.


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