More than 6,000 labour infractions recorded across the country

  • Luanda     Monday, 06 May De 2024    16h32  
Trabalhadores da empresa fabril de calçados e uniformes retomam trabalho
Trabalhadores da empresa fabril de calçados e uniformes retomam trabalho
Marcos Caetano-ANGOP

Talatona- Six thousand and five hundred and eighty-six labour infractions were recorded in the country, in the first quarter of the current year, inspector-general, Manuel Alberto Borges said Monday in Luanda.

According to the person responsible, who was speaking to the press on the sidelines of the opening of the 21st National Week of the General Labour Inspection, which runs from the 6th to the 10th of May, the infractions resulted from 1,658 inspections carried out in the period in question.

In 2023, according to the source, the IGT registered 31 thousand and 409 infractions.

'These visits, along with the complaints, are limited to the IGT's calendar of daily activities and the numbers are indeed high,' he said.

Regarding National Inspection Week, Manuel Alberto Borges said that it aims to promote approaches around improving working and salary conditions, with a view to guaranteeing a dignified life for workers.

 The inspector general explained that the meeting follows the publication of the new General Labour Law and the Labour Procedure Code.

Regarding the context, he said that they are two fundamental modern instruments to respond to current challenges, in the field of labour relations, in the public, mixed and private business sector.

He added that during this week the inspection class takes action throughout the national territory to disseminate and raise the legal culture of those involved in the legal labour relationship, taking into account the responsibilities in the application of legal provisions relating to working conditions and protection in the exercise. of the profession.

According to Manuel Alberto Borges, IGT is working hard to improve strategies to significantly reduce the number of infractions detected.

 He considered it extremely important to carry out actions aimed at publicizing IGT's services, as a public service endowed with legal personality under public law and administrative autonomy, which aims to ensure the application and observance of labour legislation, as well as inform, guide and monitor the actions of the subjects of the legal employment relationship in compliance with the legislation.

In turn, the Deputy Inspector General for the Inspection Area, Eliano Cardoso, believes that all organizations and companies understand that all human capital is the most important asset in any organization.

 IGT employees from all over the country participate in the competition. VS/MAG/DOJ

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