Start of classes for the 2nd quarter was the social news headline

  • Luanda     Saturday, 06 January De 2024    18h34  

Luanda - The start of classes for the second quarter of general education, in an academic year that has a student population of around nine million students at pre-school, primary and secondary levels, was the social highlight of the week that today, Saturday, ends.

The second quarter ends on March 28th.

The Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, recommended that parents and guardians send their children to their respective educational institutions.

Officially opened on September 1, 2023, over a thousand new schools were made available in the current academic year, with the education system currently having a network of around 13 thousand schools.

Official data indicate the existence of more than 206,519 teachers, as a result of the admission processes that have taken place in recent years.

Still in the field of education, the admission of eight hundred and fifty-five teachers was worth highlighting, to reinforce the education system in the province of Luanda.

Of the total, 728 teachers will be placed in primary and first cycle education and the other 127 in the second cycle.

The teachers participated in the public competition for external entry into the special regime for the education sector, held on September 26th, which had 47,627 applicants.

Another highlight was the announcement made by the Minister of the Interior, Eugénio Laborinho, about two thousand and 60 different crimes recorded across the country, during the festive season, 404 fewer compared to New Year's Eve 2022/2023.

The government official, who was speaking at the review meeting of the “OKULIANJA” operation, aimed at ensuring the festive season, lamented the deaths recorded, especially the homicides carried out mostly within families, using bladed weapons.

The government official expressed dismay at the death of an officer from the Benguela Provincial Command, victim of a gunshot, during a police operation.

Just this week, the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Filipe Zau, highlighted the contribution of Angolan nationalist Rui Alberto Vieira Dias Mingas, who died on the 4th, in Lisbon (Portugal), aged 84, due to illness.

In a note of condolence, which ANGOP had access to, the government official claims that, with deep pain and consternation, he learned of the nationalist's physical death. OHA/DOJ

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