Luzia Inglês calls for stiffer sentence for rapers of minors

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 27 February de 2024 | 18h49
Symbol of Justice
Symbol of Justice
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The regional secretary for the Pan-African Women's Organization (PAWO), Luzia Inglês, defended this Tuesday, in Luanda, the stiffening of the penalty for crimes of rape of minors, to discourage all forms of aggression against children.

Luzia Inglês was speaking in the ambit of the training programme, within the scope of the project “Zero sexual violence against children in communities”, promoted by the PAWO's Regional Secretariat for Southern Africa, in partnership with the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, represented by the National Children's Institute (INAC).

Speaking to the press, Luzia Inglês considered the cases of rape of minors in the country to be worrying, which, for the most part, involve family members.

“When the rape of a minor happens within the family, the situation is worrying and serious”, explained the secretary, for whom there is a need for in-depth work with society to combat these actions, through complaints and stern punishment.

In her opinion, parents must ensure the well-being of their children, providing all necessary conditions, including psycho-emotional conditions.

She asked for the involvement of churches, as partners of the Executive, in programs that aim to raise awareness among citizens.

“Religions must work with communities, within the scope of fulfilling the ten biblical commandments, making people more aware of sin in all aspects”, she highlighted.

With the same line of thought, the general director of the National Children Institute (INAC), Paulo Kalesi, lamented the fact that some women cover up cases of rape of minors which, for the most part, harm the physical, moral and psychological integrity of the children.

According to the director, the institution has registered 15 cases of sexual abuse of minors perpetrated by parents, but mothers want to silence the act, in order to avoid possible fragility in the home.

In 2023, more than 1,700 cases of sexually abused children were recorded across the country.

Paulo Kalesi understands that women must review their positioning and look at the child as a priority.

The training cycle involves different actors from civil society, in order to identify cases of sexual violence against children.

The training aims to encourage a culture of reporting and providing support to victims.

PAWO was created with the aim of discussing the role of women in rebuilding Africa, combating the spread of AIDS, illiteracy and promoting peace and democracy.


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