Over 100 Angolans benefit from scholarships in US

  • Luanda     Thursday, 11 May De 2023    19h39  
Embaixador dos Estados Unidos em Angola, Tulinabo Salama Mushingi
Embaixador dos Estados Unidos em Angola, Tulinabo Salama Mushingi
António Escrivão-ANGOP

Luanda - More than 100 young Angolans students, aged between 25 and 35 years old, have benefited, since 2014, from a scholarship in the United States of America (USA), said Thursday the US ambassador to Angola.

The initiative is part of the "Mandela Washington Fellowship" project designed for young Africans.

Tulinabo Mushingi, said so to the press at the meeting with 17 new beneficiaries of the scholarship, of whom 14 are Angolan and three from São Tomé & Príncipe.

The diplomat said after six months of training in the US they will join the group of 5,800 young people on the continent, who have also benefited from the project

The ambassador said he expects from the graduates, after returning to their native country, to share experience with other young people, as well as help in permanent strengthening of ties between the peoples of America and Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe.

The US ambassador to Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe, Tulinabo Mushingi, asked the scholarship holders to be more engaged in actions for the development of communities, as well as offering them job opportunities to participate in the development of the country.

The beneficiaries who travel to the US, in June, will have the support of 28 institutions that will focus on passing on teaching in the field of business, civic engagement and public management.

These institutions represent the higher education diversity in that country and includes public and private schools, rural and urban campuses of small and large number of students.

Students will be organised on university campuses and will be supported in developing their leadership skills through academic studies, workshops, mentoring, networking with American leaders and collaboration with local community members.

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