Tucker family members visit Angola

  • Luanda     Friday, 02 December De 2022    16h39  
Family photo with representatives of descendants of the first Angolan slaves in United States
Family photo with representatives of descendants of the first Angolan slaves in United States
António Escrivão - ANGOP

Luanda-Twenty African American citizens, descendants of Angolan slaves, began a visit to Angola on Friday to better know their roots.

They are members of the Tucker family, part of the first Angolan slaves who arrived in the United States in 1619, who intend to establish contacts with national authorities in various domains.

Accompanied by some friends, the family visits the country in the script "Angola Heritage Tour", which includes the provinces of Luanda, Malanje and Cuanza Norte.

The initiative is intended to explore, essentially, the sights of Angola, discover and learn about its origins and ancestors, as well as provide business opportunities and investments.

The action is expected to make known to visitors relevant aspects of culture, history, tourism, economy and the way of life of Angolans.

The action has been articulated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through the Institute of Tourist Development of Angola (Infotur), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with collaboration of companies that act in the tourism sector in the country.

In the context of his programme, visitors were received Friday by the governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, with whom they approached matters related to the culture of both countries.

Manuel Homem considered "an honor" to know that what has been studied in Angola begins to be recognised abroad.

According to him, this visit will reinforce the brotherhood of several generations and peoples.

"We reiterate our satisfaction that they are seeing and visiting some of our history that is also yours," he said.

In turn, Wanda Tucker, who spoke on behalf of the family, said that Angola is also their home.

"Today we are building a bridge together, and it is a great honor to be visiting and knowing this country that is also ours," Tucker stressed.

It is the second visit to the country by members of the Tucker family. The first occurred in December 2021, with a delegation made up of Wanda, Carolita Cope and Vincent Tucker, having been received by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

At the time, the tucker fulfilled a programme of visiting institutions such as the Museum of Slavery in Luanda and tourist sites in the province of Malanje, having visited the banks of the Kwanza River, the largest in Angola

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