NGO Angola 2000 launches Kíua Project

  • Luanda     Thursday, 30 March De 2023    14h22  

Luanda - A project to promote the rights of women, young people and children, called "Kíua", was launched this Thursday in Luanda by the Angolan Non-Governmental Organization "Angola 2000".

 The initiative aims to help promote and publicize the rights of this section of society, as well as help denounce sexual abuses, with emphasis on intra-family cases. 


In the first quarter of 2023, according to data from the National Children's Institute (INAC), 296 complaints of violence against children were registered, 16 of which were sexual abuse. 


According to INAC data, Luanda is the province that registers the highest number of cases of sexual abuse  against girls and children, with a daily average of 12 cases. 


According to the president of Angola 2000, Cirilo Mbonge, the project will last for three years and will cover the districts of Luanda, Icolo and Bengo and Quiçama. 


"The number of women and children suffering from sexual abuse is appalling, so we want to pay more attention to this issue. Every day we have news about this sad issue", he defended. 


He added that by the end of the project it is expected to support at least two hundred and forty girls who are victims of sexual abuse. 


He continued by saying that it will be legal and psychological, as it was found that many of these girls and children do not have any kind of follow-up, which often leads them to depression. 


The official appealed for the support of public and private associations, directly or indirectly, in the fight against sexual abuse. 


"We know that we cannot put an end to this evil, but if we join together, we add that we can reduce the number of this evil that has affected our society", he concluded.

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