SONAMET trains more than 1,000 technicians for oil industry

  • Luanda     Monday, 10 May De 2021    11h54  
Oil platform
Oil platform

Lobito - Sonamet company has trained 1,500 technicians since 2010, including welders and boilers, with a view to reducing the number of expatriates from the Philippines, India and Pakistan in the Angolan oil sector, ANGOP learned.

The information was released to the press by Francisco Vontade, coordinator of the training center at Sonamet, a company that manufactures metal structures for prospecting and producing oil, adding that the training actions that lasted, on average, six months.

"We have the capacity to train 80 students in each course, but, due to Covid-19, we train between 10 and 20 percent of that number," he explained.

According to the coordinator, after the training, the technicians are also qualified to work in other similar companies.

On the other hand, the projects "Clov 2" and "Kaombo", started in 2018, and "Zinha" and "Dália", which will start this year, all belonging to Total, are underway at Sonamet, according to engineer António Alfredo, member of the company's management.

Sonamet, created in 1998 and located in  Lobito, coastal Benguela province, manufactures platforms for offshore, jackets, buoys, towers, manifolds, decks for helicopters, among other equipment for the oil prospecting and production industry.

Recently, the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Pedro Azevedo, visited the Sonamet facilities, having considered that the metallic structures for the gas project in Cabinda, under construction in Lobito, correspond to expectations.

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