Angola to train more than 3,000 technicians in telecommunications and information technologies

  • Luanda     Thursday, 22 February De 2024    18h49  
Antenas de Comunicação (Foto ilustração)
Antenas de Comunicação (Foto ilustração)
Belarmina Paulino

Luanda - Three thousand Angolan technicians will be trained in various telecommunications and information technology specialities, in a process that will run from March to July this year, due to a memorandum signed between the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication (MINTTICS) and the Chinese company Huawei.

According to a press release ANGOP had access to, the initiative will comprise 18 classes, distributed according to the training plan, with a maximum of 188 students, in a face-to-face format.

The trainees will be offered 13 intensive courses linked to Access, Transmission and Telecommunications Networks, Cloud Computing and 5G.

The classes will be held at Huawei's Technology Park in Angola, which has invested 80 million dollars, in a mixture of theoretical and practical classes.

Registration for this free training course closes on Friday. Those who are interested can be registered through the link and the forms must be completely filled in.

Applicants must be Angolan nationals under the age of 45, with high school completed and university studies in the areas of telecommunications, computer, information and communication technologies and fluency in English.

MINTTICS and the Chinese company Huawei intend to train 10,000 technicians in the most varied specialties of telecommunications and information technologies by 2027.


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