Angola signs airline connection agreement with Luxembourg

  • Luanda     Saturday, 08 July De 2023    18h22  
TAAG participates in the International Tourism Fair of Portugal
TAAG participates in the International Tourism Fair of Portugal

Luanda- Angolan National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) and the Directorate of Civil Aviation of Luxembourg have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing air connection between the two countries.

The negotiations of the memo took place on July 6-7, 2023, in Luxembourg. It foresees the designation of the airlines to operate, within the framework of routes, with 3rd and 4th freedom traffic rights for passengers, and 5th freedom for cargo transportation.
The memo signed by the ANAC's CEO, Amélia Domingues Kuvíngua, opens opportunities for airlines to operate seven days per week for passengers and cargo.
Air Freedoms are a set of commercial aviation rights that grant a country's airlines permission to enter and land in another country's airspace and territory. There are nine Freedoms of the Air.

The 3rd Freedom of the Air grants the right to carry passengers and cargo from the territory of the state to which the aircraft belongs into the territory of the other contracting state.

The 4th, in turn, gives the right to carry passengers and cargo from the territory of the other contracting state to the territory of the aircraft registration.

The 5th grants the right to carry passengers and cargo between the territory of the other contracting state and the territory of a third state on an air service to or from the state of the origin of the aircraft.

The negotiations and the signing of the memo was also attended by the Ambassador of Angola to Belgium and Head of Mission to the European Union, Mário de Azevedo Constantino.
About ANAC
The National Civil Aviation Authority was created by Law 14/19, of May 23, of the Civil Aviation Law, and implemented by Law 28/21, of October 25.

It is responsible for the regulation, supervision, guidance, control, inspection, certification, approval, licensing, auditing, and the application of sanctions in the civil aviation sector, without prejudice to others that are specifically assigned to it by law.
About Luxembourg
Luxembourg is a European country bordered by Belgium, France and Germany. It is a nation predominantly made up of dense forests and natural parks in the north, rocky gorges of the Mullerthal region in the east, and the Moselle River valley in the southeast.

Luxembourg City is the capital and is well known for the ancient medieval city fortified on steep cliffs.CLAU/AC/Amp/jmc

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