10 kilometers of paved road completed in Tômbwa municipality

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 27 March De 2024    18h36  
Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira, procedeu ao acto de entrega dos 10 km de asfaltagem da estrada do município do Tômbwa
Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira, procedeu ao acto de entrega dos 10 km de asfaltagem da estrada do município do Tômbwa
Anabela Fritz

Tômbwa - The governor of Namibe, Archer Mangueira, opened the first phase of ten kilometers of paved roads to the administration of the municipality of Tômbwa.

The aforementioned project, within the scope of the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM), began in February 2021, but had several stoppages due to Covid-19, payment irregularities and the lack of bitumen, issues that made its scheduled completion for 2023 unfeasible.

Archer Mangueira also said that the Government decided to invest in this project because the streets of the urban center of the municipality of Tômbwa were practically impassable and, with the completion of this work, we have a different city that will certainly make traffic in the city viable.

He indicated that the road should be a reason to encourage residents to participate in cleaning and sanitation activities, giving as an example the maintenance and conservation of gardens, thus making the fishing town more attractive and beautiful.

“These projects should only be implemented if they have the support of citizens, as I congratulate all residents for receiving this project. We are committed to doing more and better for people’s lives”, he concluded.

In turn, the municipal administrator of Tômbwa, Abelardo Lemba, said that the road will give another image to the city, so work must be done to maintain its conservation.

The aforementioned project includes the second phase, which also began in February of the current year, with four kilometers of road to be paved in the municipality of Tômbwa.

It covers the municipalities of Moçâmedes (110 km) and Tômbwa (14 km) and is valued at nine (9) billion kwanzas. FA/AC/CF/DOJ

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