Transport is crucial for harmonious tourism

  • Luanda     Saturday, 04 May De 2024    10h50  
Autocarro para o transporte público da empresa Cidrália
Autocarro para o transporte público da empresa Cidrália
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Lubango - The regulation of the land transports market in Angola, with a special focus on road vehicles, is one of the main contributions of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), to the harmonious development of Tourism in the country.

The feat was highlighted by the administrator for the legal and regulatory area of ​​ANTT, Sandra Vigário, in one of the panels of the “Angola Tourism Forum, Opportunities and Challenges”, whose central theme was “Ministerial Articulation for a Harmonious Development of Tourism”.

The event taking place within the scope of the International Tourism Exchange (BITUR), which has been taking place in the city of Lubango, province of Huíla since Thursday, under the motto “Tourism as a determining factor for the diversification of the economy in Angola”.

On the occasion, he highlighted that revenues in the travel and tourism market depend heavily on the services sector, which is why ANTT plays an important role in the Multisectoral Coordination for a Harmonious Development of this segment.

He stated that the regulation of the land transport supply market, with a special focus on road mode, since Angola does not yet have an interconnected railway network and as it is the link in the tourism production and value chain, transport impacts on the central axes and universal ones such as hotels, gastronomy, leisure services, entertainment and commerce.

According to Sandra Vigário, logistics has become a determining factor in the development of nations and companies around the world, regardless of their size, and the tourism sector is no exception.

She explained that tourism companies, hotels, restaurants, among others, depend on the supply chain, which is “supported”, to a large extent, by transport.

“It is in this sense that the partnership between ANTT and other sectors can generate good results for tourism in Angola and in addition to the main roads, it is important that, as far as possible, an inherent dynamic is created in the secondary networks and rural roads that are essential for guarantee access to all regions of the country”, he explained.

She highlighted that maintenance challenges, modernization initiatives and expansion plans, with a specific focus on strategies to improve the efficiency and safety of road travel, should also be on the agenda.

Sandra Vigário made it known that in 2022 two million 709 thousand 402 passengers were transported and in 2023 one million 299 thousand 761, a decrease of 52% was observed, which she believes is related to the decrease in family income.

ANTT arises from the merger of two institutes, namely the national railway transport institute and the Angolan Railways Institute, with indirect administration from the State, in the form of personalized service.

Its purpose is to implement policies and strategies for the development of the Land Transport subsector, ensuring its coordination, circulation, safety and outlining intermodal coordination strategies. BP/MS/DOJ

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