Tourism sector wants agents to be more pragmatic

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 07 May De 2024    07h45  
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Ministro do Turismo, Márcio Daniel e Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira
Ministro do Turismo, Márcio Daniel e Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira
Anabela Fritz-ANGOP
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Ministro do Turismo, Márcio Daniel e Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira
Ministro do Turismo, Márcio Daniel e Governador do Namibe, Archer Mangueira
Anabela Fritz-ANGOP

Moçâmedes - the Minister of Tourism, Márcio Daniel, on Monday in Moçamedes emphasised the need for agents in the sector to be more pragmatic, with a view to transforming tourism potential into a source of income.

According to the government official, who was speaking to the press as part of a working visit to Namibe province, the country has resources, but they need to be boosted with the help of all the living forces in society so that tourism can be a ‘path’ to diversifying the economy.

‘If we look at countries that practically live off tourism and have fewer resources than us, we can see that what is lacking at the moment is our commitment, dedication and pragmatism to turn potential into reality,’ he said, considering that there are provinces that can and should live off the sector, as well as other segments of economic activity.

Over the course of six days, Márcio Daniel will assess the state of the sector in the province and identify and select the main assets that serve as a ‘magnet’ for tourism.

His programme includes trips to the commune of Lola and the municipalities of Camucuio and Bibala, where he will visit some tourist attractions and cave paintings in the Tchipopilo area, as well as the archaeological site of Caraculo and the Ombaka Fort, both in the city of Moçâmedes.

He will also visit the Oceanus tourist complex, the São Fernando Fortress, the Cine Estúdio and the Tômbwa Peninsula.

On Saturday, the last day of the visit, a meeting is scheduled with operators in the sector in the province. FA/VC/DAN/DOJ


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